The Park West Camera Club is one of New York City’s oldest and most active camera clubs. Founded in 1937, PWCC is open to all who love photography, from beginners to experienced photographers. We offer a variety of programs, including photo competitions and critiques; lectures by professional photographers; member portfolio presentations and workshops; field trips; gallery exhibits; and an award-winning monthly newsletter.
PWCC meets weekly on Monday nights at 7:00PM, currently via Zoom (monthly competitions will start at 6:30PM). Interested photographers are welcome to join our Monday meetings 30 minutes before start time to inquire about membership. The club year runs from September through June, but you may join at any time. Dues are $60.00 per year (pro-rated for new members who join after May), while we are meeting via Zoom. Download an application or email us at pwccny@aol.com for more information. (Note: You MUST be a dues-paying member of the Club to register an account on this website.)
Charles Chessler will be the guest speaker at our February 17th meeting. Based in New York City, Charles’s work covers the full photographic spectrum, from portraits and headshots, to cityscapes and city life, to wildlife, birds, and flora. His ongoing project, "Agreeable Strangers," celebrates the beautiful diversity of people and faces he meets wherever he goes. In addition, Charles has led several photographic field trips to South Africa in support of the Wild Tomorrow Fund, which is dedicated to the protection of wildlife and their habitats. For more information about Charles and his work, visit his websites: https://www.charleschesslerphotography.com/ and https://charleschesslerfaces.com/ (faces), and his Instagram account at https://www.instagram.com/charleschesslerphotography.
The winning and honors images selected by Tommy Mintz at our February competition are posted in the rotating gallery (above). Congratulations to these members and all who entered images. For more information and to view Tommy's work, visit his website at http://www.tommymintz.com/.
Check out the recordings of recent monthly competitions, guest speaker nights and member nights, below. Many of these same recordings, as well as member workshop demonstrations, are also available at the 'Speaker & How to Videos' tab, above. Also, a recording of the memorial service for late PWCC member, mentor and dear friend, George Hansen, can be found under 'PWCC Organization Galleries (also above).
February 17, 2025: Guest Speaker - Charles Chessler, 7:00PM (Zoom meeting opens at 6:45PM)
February 20, 2025: Member PDI Workshop with the Pines, 6:45PM (see latest Photo Notes for details) (images due February 19th)
February 24, 2025: Member Portfolio Night - "Dealer's Choice," 7:00PM (images due February 22nd); images for the March Member Competition due
February 25, 2025: Deadline to submit images for 'You Be The Judge - Food'
March 3, 2025: Monthly Member Competition judged by Marilyn Stern, 6:30PM (Zoom meeting opens at 6:15PM)
PWCC member Bruce Byers has launched his own exhibit space, the Hill Street Gallery, in Catskill, NY, which will showcase his limited edition photographs as well as a rotation of other artists and disciplines. For more information, go to https://brucebyers.com/hill-street-gallery.